New York Main Street (NYMS) Program


Do you own a commercial or mixed use building on a Main Street in Andes,

Halcottsville, Arkville, Fleischmanns, Margaretville, New Kingston, Roxbury,

Grand Gorge or Pine Hill ?
Are you a businesses owner on any of these Main Streets?
Are you an elected official or part of a larger community organization?
If yes, then do not miss the MARK Project’s Regional Main Street Information

session and networking event.
On Monday, February 22 at 5 pm
at the Roxbury Arts Center,
5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxbury
MARK will be hosting an information session concerning
program requirements and process for participation in the
recently funded Regional Main Street Program.
Those interested in applying should plan to attend.
Following an extensive presentation and Q & A
will be a networking event, sponsored by MTC,

If you are attending, please call MARK to reserve your seat at 845 586 3500. If you can not attend, we will gladly fill you in on the details at a later date.